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The drawing was created in 1950 in the "Lantoro Mental Home" in Abeokuta, Nigeria. In 1982 it was exhibited together with with other drawings made in Abeokuta in 1950, in the exhibition exhibition "Hapless Heads. Paintings by crazy people from Nigeria" (Luckless Heads. Painting by de-ranged Nigerians) in Bayreuth. were shown in Bayreuth.

The portrait format is divided in the centre divided horizontally into two halves with a pencil line in the centre. On the upper half and on the lower half are colour drawings of one animal each. animal. The animal's rump is touching the outer right edge of the sheet. edge of the leaf. The small tail sticks up along the edge of the leaf. The thick, roundish body takes up half of the surface. In The upper half of the picture shows the body in shades of green. The rump of the animal in the lower half of the picture is in shades of blue-grey. On the upper left half of the sheet is the animal's head, which is in blue-grey tones. shades of blue-grey. The head of the animal in the lower half of the half of the picture is in shades of green. The animal in the upper half has has a brown-red bush with eight fruits under its snout, which is pointing towards the ground. bush with eight fruits. Under the snout of the animal, which the lower half of the leaf is also a reddish-brown bush with eight fruits. bush with eight fruits. Under the feet of the lower animal, which seem to be the air, the word "EWURE" is painted in red-brown colour. painted in red-brown colour. The animals appear to have been sketched in pencil and then coloured in.

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Iwalewahaus, Universität Bayreuth
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Cataloguing data

Object type
drawings (visual works)
Current location
Iwalewahaus, University of Bayreuth
Inventory number
G 01015 WN

Provenance and sources

Abeokuta, Nigeria

Information about the record

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