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The watercolour shows in the middle a palm tree that divides the picture into two halves. To the right and left of it two elephants can be seen to the right and left. The picture is surrounded by a frame frame painted in red.

An irregular, painted frame in a pale red colour surrounds the depiction. At the bottom centre, the frame is by a brown truncated cone that marks the root area of the palm tree of the palm tree growing from it. To the left of the palm tree are 2 elephants are depicted one above the other, looking to the right. The elephant in green-brown with elongated, dark ear and long tusks. tusks. The eye area has only been drawn in pencil. The lower elephant is painted in an ochre colour with a red body outline. The tail, head and tusks are also in red; the ear and eye area are in pencil. ear and eye area in pencil. Opposite this elephant, to the right of the of the palm tree, facing left. It is coloured black with the exception of the green-brown ear and the eye in pencil. Above this animal and slightly offset to the right is another elephant. elephant. The colouring is similar to the previous one, but in side view.

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Data Provider
Iwalewahaus, Universität Bayreuth
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Cataloguing data

Object type
drawings (visual works)
Current location
Iwalewahaus, University of Bayreuth
Inventory number

Provenance and sources

Democratic Republic of the Congo
Lubaki, Albert

Information about the record

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