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The Last Supper

The drawing is horizontally divided horizontally. The lower two thirds show a richly laid table with numerous with numerous cups, bottles, bowls and plates. Fruit and three loaves of bread can also be seen. In the upper third sit thirteen people are sitting closely together at the table, only their heads and heads and upper bodies are visible. The person in the centre is slightly taller bearded and wearing a crown. He is depicted frontally and is looking straight ahead. All of the other figures are also frontal view, with the exception of one figure on the right. The latter is drawn in profile to the left; she is wearing a cap; her mouth is open to speak. open to speak. Her arm reaches across the table to the centre centre figure; her hand opens in front of her as if she is receiving something receiving something or as if in a gesture of affirmation. All the figures appear agitated and seem to be watching each other (cf. eye positions); only the centre figure remains as if in a state of rigidity. Above the figures, a coffered ceiling suggests an interior space suggests an interior.

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Data Provider
Iwalewahaus, Universität Bayreuth
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Object type
drawings (visual works)
Current location
Iwalewahaus, University of Bayreuth
Inventory number

Provenance and sources

Malangatana, Valente Ngwenya

Information about the record

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