Author: Lubaki, Albert
In copyrightThe watercolour is painted in the colours
colours black and pink. Two large deciduous trees dominate the picture. At the
centre bottom edge of the picture is a third, smaller tree. In
the trees and around them are three birds and three antelopes.
are depicted.
Circumferential black frame on all sides,
narrow, painted frame. Two larger trees reach up from the lower edge
trunk, branches and individual leaves are black; the other leaves are bright pink.
are bright pink. To the right of the trunk of the tree on the left
a small, third tree of this variety. A black antelope is jumping over this small tree
a black antelope is jumping over this small tree. It is depicted in side view to the right
and is looking back over its back to the left. Behind it
and partially obscured by the tree on the left, you can still see the
the front parts of two more antelopes turning to the right.
At the bottom left is a bird with pink and black plumage, stretching upwards
stretching upwards to peck at a hanging part of the tree. The
black and pink bird at the upper edge of the leaf is also shown in the side view
right and is pecking at a tree bud on the right-hand tree. From the
the edge of the leaf, a pink and black bird is shown on the right
side view to the left. To the right of the trunk of the tree on the right
tree on the right is a crossed-out inscription: "Louis Som
Cataloguing data
Width: 129,0 cm