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Artfully crafted traps like this one were used to catch fish. The baskets were weighed down by stones so that they sank to the bottom of the lagoon reefs. The catch could be emptied by opening the lid. Fishing baskets such as these were made by binding unstripped ironwood sticks together with coir string. A photograph taken around 1899 by Antonie Brandeis documents this process.

Data Provider
Städtische Museen Freiburg
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Cataloguing data

Object type
Width: 300.0 mm
Height: 430.0 mm
Length: 430.0 mm
Current location
Museum Natur und Mensch
Inventory number
Related object(s)
is related to : XHF/II/0145

Provenance and sources

before 1900
Brandeis, Eugen - Former Possessors
Marshall Islands (location/origin)
Micronesia (location/origin)
Oceania (location/origin)
Brandeis, Antonie - Collectors
Donated by Eugen Brandeis (Imperial Governor of the Marshall Islands) April 1900, collected by Antonie Brandeis (Jaluit) /Donated by Eugen Brandeis (Imperial Governor of the Marshall Islands) April 1900, collected by Antonie Brandeis (Jaluit) Object no. 4 (Object list Antonie Brandeis, 1st consignment April 1900, SAF D.Sm 35/1): "Fish basket. U. Unpeeled rods of the ironwood tree". Additional comment: "The islanders also make fish baskets as shown in model no. 4. Weighted down with stones, such a basket is placed on the reef of the lagoon and emptied every 2nd day by opening the small rear door. Photograph No. 15 shows a man working such a basket." (in: "Bemerkungen zu den dem Museum zu Freiburg /B. übersandten ethnologischen Gegenständen aus den Marshallinseln. South Seas". SAF D.Sm 35/1). The aforementioned photograph was sent to the collection by Antonie Brandeis and shows a man working on a fish trap on land. Whether the same man also made this model is unfortunately not known.

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