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Katalogeintrag: "1,2,3 & 4 (29752) A Chief's complete Costume; comprising Shirt, Coat, Kilt and Hat. The first three are of bark cloth. The shirt is ornamented with stained red and black designs. The coat and kilt are finely ornamented with string work, pendent rows of teeth, bird wing bones, nut rattles, seeds and highly coloured feather work; the coat has also a brown design on the bark cloth. The hat is of string and cane net work, similarly ornamented with the addition of beetle wing cases. All are in very good condition excepting that some of the feathers are damaged somowhat. Ecuador. £ 12/12/0 5 (29753) Belt; blue and white bead work, ornamented with pendent quillets of red an yellow feathers. Fine old specimen. Length 70 cm £ 1/16/0 6 (29754) Apron; black, white and yellow beads. Old specimen. British Guiana. £1/1/0

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Positiv (Fotografie)
Höhe: 15,7 cm
Breite: 11,1 cm
Höhe: 23 cm
Breite: 14,5 cm
Aktueller Standort
Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
VIII E 3216

Provenienz und Quellen

Ecuador [Land]
William Ockelford Oldman (de.fiz.ddb.model.ddbobject.WhenType$Begin@40698e2b - de.fiz.ddb.model.ddbobject.WhenType$End@6440dcab) - Vorbesitzer*in

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