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The object consists of 5 quipus (1-5)that are tied together. It is rather deteriorated, but I will try to describe each one. 1. No. of pendants: ca. 99 Groups: many groups of 4 and 5 Colors: blue, tans, brown Color combinations: monochrome, speckled, spiral Strings: main, pendants, secondaries Ply: S Diameter: main 6mm, pendants 1,5 - 2,5mm Verso (tying pendant to mainstring) Knots:1/1 endknots (like a single knot), 1/2 endknots (a single knot securing the pendant tied with only part of the pendant as active), 8, long knots (Z), single knots (Z) 2. No. of pendants:ca 24 Groups: 3 larger groups (7-8 pendants)followed by 3 x 2 Colors: tan Color combinations: monochrome, speckled Strings: main, pendants, Ply: S Diameter: main 4mm, pendants 1,5 - 1,8mm Verso (tying pendant to mainstring) Knots: 8, long knots (Z), single knots (Z) 3. No. of pendants:38 Groups: 4 x ca 10 (10,10,10,8) Colors: tans, blue Color combinations: monochrome, 2 speckled Strings: main, pendants, secondaries Ply: S Diameter: main 6mm, pendants 1,8 - 2mm Recto/verso (tying pendant to mainstring) Both - within each group the first half are R, the following V. Knots:1/1 endknots (like a single knot), long knots (Z), single knots (Z) 4. No. of pendants: 14 Groups: 13 and one a cm further Colors: tans Color combinations: monochrome Strings: main, pendants Ply: S Diameter: main 4mm, pendants 2mm Verso (tying pendant to mainstring) Knots: long knots (Z), single knots (Z) 5. No. of pendants: 20 Groups: 2 x 10 Colors: tans Color combinations: monochrome, speckled, spiral Strings: main, pendants, secondaries Ply: R Diameter: main 5mm, pendants 1,5 - 2mm Recto/verso (tying pendant to mainstring) Knots:1/1 endknots (like a single knot), 1/2 endknots (a single knot securing the pendant tied with only part of the pendant as active), 8, long knots (Z), single knots (Z)

Nur ausgefüllte Felder anzeigen


Länge: 40 cm
Breite: 70 cm
Aktueller Standort
Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
V A 44867

Provenienz und Quellen

Inka 1450 - 1550
Julius van der Zypen
Wilhelm Gretzer (de.fiz.ddb.model.ddbobject.WhenType$Begin@5ae21bdf - de.fiz.ddb.model.ddbobject.WhenType$End@633fba9a) - Sammler*in

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