
Georg Irmer

Georg Irmer, Source: Wikimedia Commons

This page was automatically generated because the person is linked to a collection item in the portal and has an entry in the Integrated Authority Files of the German National Library. It was not standard practice for actors from colonised territories to be listed in museum records – hence transparency is lacking about their connection with the collection item.

Politiker, Historiker, Archivar, Publizist

3. November 1853 , Dessau-Roßlau
13. Juni 1931 , Berlin
Place of action / place(s) of activity
Further information
Archivsekretär in Marburg, Hannover und Berlin. 1892 in die Kolonialabteilung des Auswärtigen Amtes. Landeshauptmann für das Schutzgebiet Marshallinseln. Generalkonsul in Genua.