
Ferdinand Friedensburg

Ferdinand Friedensburg, Source: Wikimedia Commons

This page was automatically generated because the person is linked to a collection item in the portal and has an entry in the Integrated Authority Files of the German National Library. It was not standard practice for actors from colonised territories to be listed in museum records – hence transparency is lacking about their connection with the collection item.

Diplomat, Jurist

15. November 1917 , Bern
14. Mai 2009 , Hilden
Place of action / place(s) of activity
Bonn, Freiburg im Breisgau
Further information
Jurist, Diplomat; 1950-1953 Vizekonsul an der Botschaft in Belgien, 1953-1956 in der Zentrale des Auswärtigen Amtes in Bonn, 1956-1960 als Konsul Erster Klasse Leiter des Konsulats in Detroit, 1960-1964 Botschafter in Madagaskar, 1964-1966 Botschaftsrat Erster Klasse an der Botschaft in Venezuela, 1966-1968 Direktor der Aluminium-Industrie-Gemeinschaft Konstanz, ab 1968 selbständiger Wirtschaftsjurist