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Knife with Sheath

In Owambo societies this used to be a highly valued personal possession at the time when this particular knife was dispatched to Stuttgart. At least one knife would be carried by its owner, and especially by men, at all times. Mostly used as a multi-functional, practical tool. When needed it also provided a means of self-defence. Text: Sandra Ferracuti.

Data Provider
Linden-Museum Stuttgart Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde
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Cataloguing data

Cultural attribution
Object type
Iron, Brass , Wood
Brass wire, Forged, carved, pierced, blackened, wrapped
Current location
Linden-Museum Stuttgart
Inventory number
088389 a+b

Provenance and sources

around 1913 or earlier
This object was purchased, among many others, by the Naturalienkabinett Stuttgart in 1913. According to the documentation, the objects were "collected" by the brother of the object donor, H. Schäfer, during an expedition with Max Esser in 1896 along the Kunene River. It is unclear on which side of the river this happened and so it is also unclear whether the objects originate from today's Angola or today's Namibia. Text: Christoph Rippe.

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