Photographer: Andrea Blumtritt | Rights management: Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalThe disc-shaped sheet could have been used as a head or chest ornament, clothing utensil, offering, barter object or burial object. The two large perforations appear to be extensions of the original holes. Aguilar (1996: 49-51, Figs. 25-28), Ferrero (1975: 257, Ilus. II-47-50) and Quilter (2000: 184, Fig. 9.4) depict plates that have a round or horseshoe shape. They have embossed, engraved and punched decorations depicting rows of dots, circles or figurative motifs. (Künne 2005)
Cataloguing data
Height: 6,9 cm
Depth: 0,4 cm
Width: 7,4 cm