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In one end of the plant tube [there is] a hook-shaped insert carved from a twig, near the opposite end of the stick, which is closed by a wooden insert, a rectangular opening cut into the tube, through which a small stick was inserted at an angle into the string carrier (not preserved). The tensioning of the string [is] made of raffia (with a knotted string made of other plant material), originally between the stick and the tip of the hook. Two notches [are] in the tube surface. The resonance calabash, whose binding loop also includes the string, is not preserved. from Ulrich Wegner: Afrikanische Saiteninstrumente, Staatliche Museen Berlin - SPK, 1984 (Appendix Object Catalogue)

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Data Provider
Ethnologisches Museum
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Cataloguing data

Cultural attribution
Object type
musical instruments
Length: 102,6 cm
Bamboo, Plant fibre
Current location
Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Inventory number
III E 3589 a,b

Provenance and sources

Tanzania [Land/Region]
Stuhlmann, Franz - Collectors

Information about the record

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