Photographer: | Rights management: Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalSchmidt travelled to the Bakairí twice, in 1901 and 1927. As he only published photographs of the Guato from his first trip, which are also of a significantly different quality to the images of the Bakairí available here, it can be assumed that the photographs in this series, which are not further specified in the inventory book, date from 1927. The quality and type of photograph also suggest that all of Schmidt's existing Bakairí pictures date from the same period. At least one (VIII E 4861) can also be clearly assigned to the year 1927 on the basis of the literature. In the case of numerous others, there is also the indication that they were taken at the Simão Lopez post, which according to Schmidt (1928: 86) did not yet exist at the time of the first expedition. Literature: Schmidt, Max. 1928. Ergebnisse meiner zweijährigen Forschungsreise in Matto Grosso. September 1926 to August 1928. In: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie (Berlin): 60/1928: 85-124.
Cataloguing data
Width: 11,5 cm
Height: 29,5 cm
Width: 37,1 cm