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Städtische Museen Freiburg
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Cataloguing data

Object type
Width: 630.0 mm
Length: 340.0 mm
Current location
Museum Natur und Mensch
Inventory number

Provenance and sources

before 1900
around 1900
Brandeis, Eugen - Former Possessors
Polynesia (location/origin)
Nauru (location/origin)
Samoa Islands (location/origin)
Oceania (location/origin)
Micronesia (location/origin)
Brandeis, Antonie - Collectors
The provenance of this object is unclear. An old inventory number is missing. In the new inventory, the object is entered as a "bast apron" and "South Pacific (Nauru)", with the addition "in any case like N.644" [=Brandeis-Slg.] On the index card of 1971, this was adopted with restrictions, as a "possible gift from Governor Brandeis", and the regional origin was given as Polynesia following an appraisal by Dr Kußmaul. A later note from 1981 added "Samoa". However, the object cannot be assigned to either of the two inventory lists of the Brandeis collection. There are bast skirts in the collection whose status is unclear. However, the style and workmanship of this object are rather unusual for the Micronesian raffia skirts in the Brandeis collection, which suggests that II/1527 does not come from there. It cannot be ruled out that this is a Brandeis object, but there is little to suggest that it is.

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