Photographer: Peter Jacob | Rights management: Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalShape: zoomorphic, frog/toad, spout and handle on the back Colour/technique: dark red body, painted white Spout and handle: white VS: closed mouth, outlined in white, air sac indicated as a circle in the neck area, white band with fruit underneath, eyes and nose highlighted in half relief, eyes outlined in white, two white lines on the bridge of the nose, volute in relief on each side of the head at eye level, RS: cassava plant in relief, painted in white, hind legs white on the sides and on the back: white field fruit (Beatrix Hoffmann, 2008)
Cataloguing data
Depth: 14,5 cm
Width: 10,7 cm