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Collar made of spondylus pearls

This collar shows representations of monkeys in white and brown. In three scenic blocks the monkeys sit one behind the other on waves or carry a coffin with a deceased monkey on their shoulders. In the Chimú culture, such burial scenes are also recorded in small scenic representations composed of individual carved wooden figurines. Such ensembles of figures were found during excavations in the Huaca de la Luna, near the Peruvian city of Trujillo, among other places. As the collar is made of spondylus, the object also has a reference to fertility, as the spondylus mollusc only appears on the Peruvian coast during the weather phenomenon El Niño. The spondylus is otherwise only found in the warm waters of Ecuador and was an important trading commodity to the south, to the dry central Andes region. Many graves contained spondylus shells as grave goods.

Data Provider
Linden-Museum Stuttgart Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde
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Cataloguing data

Cultural attribution
Object type
Length: 33 cm
Width: 29 cm
Cotton, Spondylus
woven, sewn on
Current location
Linden-Museum Stuttgart
Inventory number
M 32204 L

Provenance and sources

11th - 15th century AD.
There is no confirmed provenance for this object.

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