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Perfume container: 4 bottles with stoppers (pearl caps on velvet), on which hang strings with "coins": a) sailing ship "PLUS ULTRA", b) eagle, " L. CHR. LAUER. RECH-PFEN", bottles in padded cotton fabric, around them pearl strings in diamond pattern, as well as coloured pattern: "V", below 21 coins of the same size as above with lettering of a "Sultan" from the Ottoman Empire;
4 récipients en verre soufflé sont enchassés dans un coussinet rectangulaire en tissu bordeaux, ne laissant visibles que les cols (2 bruns, 2 verdâtres). A résille de perles multicolores recouvre le coussinet et se prolonge en pan (sur 18 cm) pour se terminer par de petites floches en soie bordeaux. The boules of tissue are attached to the coussinet by a film and are decorated with pearl enfilades, which serve as supports for the 4 threads. total height : 30 cm ; dimensions of the coussinet : 20 cm x 7 cm ; size : 21.5 cm ; minimum height of the cols : 4 cm
Petit récipient décoratif utilisé pour contenir parfum ou kohl. Porté par les femmes"
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The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.