Photographer: Jürgen Liepe | Rights management: Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalThe memorial head of a queen mother (Iyoba) - recognisable by the shape of her crown - shows the face of a young woman smiling cautiously. Nevertheless, this sculpture is less a representation of a person's individuality than a highly idealised courtly portrait. Because of its iconography and age, this memorial head could be a representation of Idia, the first Queen Mother, whose office and title of Iyoba was introduced by King (Oba) Esigie in the early 16th century. His mother, Idia, played an important role in the war against the neighbouring Igala. Oral tradition interprets the fish at the base of the memorial head as an indication that Idia drove the enemy Igala army back across the Niger. Queen mothers in Benin - as in many other African kingdoms - had a prominent political position. Like the kings, a memorial shrine was erected for them after their death, on which memorial heads were placed.
Cataloguing data
Height: 51 cm
Width: 16 cm
Depth: 18 cm
Depth: 52 cm
Height: 51 cm
Depth: 18 cm
Width: 16 cm
Vorgang: E 1041/1899, Erwerbung: I/39/1901: III C 12507-12510, drei Köpfe, ein glockenförmiger Gegenstand (Benin), J.C. Stevens - Theodor Francke beauftr. Agent (Firma) - Val. Weisbach Erben -- Antrag von Luschan betr. Reise nach London zur Besichtigung von Benin-Altertümern (4.10.1899) -- Korr. zw. Mattika (Agent für Auktion) und Luschan wg. Auktionsmodaltäten, Absprache des Limits (S. 126-127), sowie Listen der Objekte (S. 129-130). Brief Luschans (S. 131). -- Schreiben Luschan an Valentin Weisbach, bittet um 5000 Mark Darlehen für MV für das Etatjahr für Benin Auktion (4.10.1899) -- Luschan Anfrage an Dr. Hans Meyer (z.Z. Kaiserhof, Berlin) wg. ev. Wünsche oder Aufträge für Auktion an Ihn (4.10.1899) -- Luschan an Stevens um sein Kommen anzukündigen (7.10.1899) + weiterer Brief Luschans (S. 132) -- Luschan an Baessler (S. 133) und AW Baessler (S. 134) -- GV Aktenvermerke und Notizen Bastian (S. 135) -- Beilage (S. 92): 2 Auktionskataloge 1899 J.C. Stephens (Curiosities), 1899, J.C. Stevens (1899)