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Sword; Cutlass

The weapon has a double-edged blade made of native iron, which widens considerably from the handle to the point. The shape of the point is reminiscent of a duck's foot. The wooden handle was covered with reptile skin and has no real pommel. Obtained from the Museum für Völkerkunde Berlin, from the "Consignment from the Protectorate of Cameroon, collection of Captain Kund)". There it is described as a "sword, made of einheim. Iron", origin "Jaunde".

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Landesmuseum Natur und Mensch Oldenburg
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Cataloguing data

Cultural attribution
keine Zuschreibung
Object type
Sword; Cutlass
L: 60 cm
Object genre
Current location
Landesmuseum Natur und Mensch Oldenburg
Inventory number
Related object(s)
is part of : Museum für Völkerkunde Berlin (Konvolut)

Provenance and sources

before 1892

Africa, Cameroon, Yaoundé
Kund, Richard - Former Possessors

State Museum of Nature and Man Oldenburg
Museum für Völkerkunde Berlin (heute Ethnologisches Museum Berlin)

Information about the record

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