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Kris with Kris sheath

Entry in the main historical catalogue: Kris with scabbard Entry in the historical catalogue: A Baliean dagger (Kris), carried by an Imperial Great, conquered on Kasoemba Balie. The Balian never leaves this weapon, only through death on the battlefield does it come into other hands. If the family of the fallen can get hold of it, large sums are paid for it. Description: Hilt humped, slightly curved, blade flamed, finely damascened. Scabbard patterned on the front. Mouth of the scabbard colourfully painted on both sides. Length with scabbard: 60.5 cm

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Ethnologisches Museum
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Cataloguing data

Object type
Kris with Kris sheath
Objektmaß: Kris 48,8 x 11,3 x 4 cm (a)
Objektmaß: Scheide 51 x 18,2 x 2,8 cm (b)
Objektmaß: Kris in Krisscheide 60,5 x 18,2 x 4 cm (a,b)
Wood, Steel, Nickel, Iron
Current location
Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Inventory number
I C 298 a,b

Provenance and sources

before 1850
Indonesia [Land]
Bali [Insel]

C. Rodenburg - Collectors

Donation from C. Rodenburg, 1850

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