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Lehmann-Nitsche Toba Formosa

The rollers are labelled: "Lehmann-Nitsche Argentina 1909". In contrast to the Toba rollers from the Chaco, these are also labelled with the year of recording. Correspondence is available. A copy of the photograph is in the Carlos Vega Institute in Buenos Aires. Further documents on Lehmann-Nitsche in the EM and Ibero-American Institute SPK.

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Data Provider
Ethnologisches Museum
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Cataloguing data

Cultural attribution
Toba (Formosa)
Object type
Current location
Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Inventory number
VII WS 199

Provenance and sources

Buenos Aires
South America [Kontinent]
Argentina [Region]
Toba (Formosa)


Information about the record

Legal status metadata
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