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B03041 Corset woman

It is a corset made from ostrich eggshell discs that are strung on ribbons made from plant fibres. On one side there are 25 rows one below the other, on the other 18 rows one below the other and the remaining 7 rows in hanging bows. Coming from both sides, the arches are tied together in the centre with leather strips. The whole is supported at regular intervals by vertical double leather strips, which in turn are wrapped in thin leather strips. There are 12 of these support straps in total.

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Übersee-Museum Bremen
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Cataloguing data

Cultural attribution
Object type
Corset woman
Allgemein: 40 x 31 x 22 cm
Leather; ostrich eggshell; plant fibre
Current location
Übersee-Museum Bremen
Inventory number

Provenance and sources

August Engelbert Wulff (de.fiz.ddb.model.ddbobject.WhenType$Begin@1569350b - de.fiz.ddb.model.ddbobject.WhenType$End@b809014)

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