Front page | Photographer: Wibke Lobo | Rights management: Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalGod Ganesha with frond bearer. The multi-pass arch at the upper edge is characteristic of paintings from Rajasthan; the picture is said to originate from Nagaur and was acquired in Ramgarh or Jodhpur. Note: Reverse glass painting in Germany The reverse glass painter Rambold (1872-1953) taught reverse glass painting to the artists of the Blue Rider movement. On his easel was a reverse glass painting with an Indian motif. Only one photo of it still exists. It is unclear whether he painted it himself or acquired it somewhere. Information from Mr L. Feiler, 23.7.08
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Width: 18 cm