
Language: unknown
Language: unknown

The bar surface [is] widened into a leaf shape at one end of the string support, the other end [is] terminated in two forked, curved extensions connected by cross braces. All the strings made of twisted plant fibre [are] torn. The entire resonator construction is missing. A rich notched pattern with coarse and fine relief [is] on one side of the stick. Between the fingering points [is a] pointed widening of the stick surface on both sides. "Tinz-Musik-Instrument". from Ulrich Wegner: Afrikanische Saiteninstrumente, Staatliche Museen Berlin - SPK, 1984 (appendix object catalogue)

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Ethnologisches Museum
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Cataloguing data

Cultural attribution
Wangoni (Ngoni, Angoni)
Object type
musical instruments
Length: 57,4 cm
Wood, Plant fibre
Current location
Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Inventory number
III E 14168

Provenance and sources

Tanzania [Land/Region]
Wangoni (Ngoni, Angoni)
Karl Weule (de.fiz.ddb.model.ddbobject.WhenType$Begin@3b19cd20 - de.fiz.ddb.model.ddbobject.WhenType$End@78d26964) - Collectors

Information about the record

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