Photographer: Susanna Schulz | Rights management: Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalAs no. 129 [-> A narrow, flat and very elongated bowl with a flat base, steep inner walls and widening narrow sides (type B). The outer string courses run alongside the bowl opening. [There are six diagonally burnt-in string guide perforations. One end of the string is tied to a crosspiece behind an outer perforation, the other [is] wrapped around a stem extension carved lengthways, a fully sculpted figure, and also tied to a crosspiece. A wide calabash resonator open at the top. A loop of string running around the string carrier below the string level, which passes through the opening into the resonator and is looped into a knot on the underside of the calabash base. In the resonator [there are] four slit or cross-shaped perforations and break seams. On the calabash wall [there are] flat punctations. Animal motifs]. No transverse wood binding. There is one on the underside of the soundboard. The calabash [is] not perforated and otherwise worked. Branding [is] on the long walls and the underside of the bowl. A carrying cord. The handle appendage [is] without plastic carving. from Ulrich Wegner: Afrikanische Saiteninstrumente, Staatliche Museen Berlin - SPK, 1984 (Appendix Object Catalogue)
Cataloguing data
Length: 67,8 cm
Depth: 14,4 cm
Vorgang: E 1523/1903, Erwerbung: I/4/1904: III E 10736-10857, VII A 1777, Ethnogr. (Usafua, Usango, Ungika), Ankauf Kootz -- Inhalt/Enthält: Missionar Joh. Kootz, Niesky: Angebot von Ethnographica. Kündigt Besuch in Berlin an. Dankschreiben Luschans. Objektliste Briefe: 1, 1903.11.21., Joh. Kootz (1903)