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Boat model
Data Provider
Städtische Museen Freiburg
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Cataloguing data

Object type
Model Boat
Current location
Museum Natur und Mensch
Inventory number

Provenance and sources

before 1900

Brandeis, Eugen - Former Possessors

Oceania (location/origin)
Micronesia (location/origin)
Marshall Islands (location/origin)
Brandeis, Antonie - Collectors

Donated by Eugen Brandeis (Imperial Governor of the Marshall Islands) April 1900, collected by Antonie Brandeis (Jaluit) /Donated by Eugen Brandeis (Imperial Governor of the Marshall Islands) April 1900, collected by Antonie Brandeis (Jaluit) Object no. 2 (Object list Antonie Brandeis, 1st consignment 1900, SAF D.Sm 35/1): "Fischercanoe (Medjid). Wood from the breadfruit tree". Additional comment: "Model No. 2 shows such a fishing canoe from the island of Medjid: it is intended for 5 people. Two of them are rowing and three are sitting on the platform to watch the fishing hooks being cast." (in: "Bemerkungen zu den dem Museum zu Freiburg /B. übersandten ethnologischen Gegenständen aus den Marshallinseln. South Seas". SAF D.Sm 35/1). The object came to Freiburg with the first consignment in April 1900 and was evidently inventoried incorrectly or subsequently confused with boat model II/0647. It has the old inventory number 1278. The whereabouts of the model were unknown for a long time, but it was located again in November 2021. The object is accompanied by 6 small miniature objects: two paddles, a rudder, a scoop, a staff (function unclear, possibly damaged), a tool (function unclear).

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