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Gold pendant (decorative plate)

The disc-shaped sheet could be used as a head or breast ornament, clothing utensil, offering, barter object or burial object. Aguilar (1996: 49-51, Figs. 25-28), Ferrero (1975: 257, Ilus. II-47-50) and Quilter (2000: 184, Fig. 9.4) depict sheet metal with a round or horseshoe shape. They have embossed, engraved and punched decorations depicting rows of dots, circles or figurative motifs. (Künne 2005)

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Ethnologisches Museum
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Cataloguing data

Object type
Gold pendant (decorative plate)
Objektmaß: 8,7 x 8,8 x 0,7 cm
Gewicht: 18,3 g
Andere Maße: Stärke: 0,02 cm
Current location
Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Inventory number
IV Ca 34269

Provenance and sources

700 - 1550
Costa Rica
Guanacaste [Provinz]
Buenos Aires [Ort]

Lehmann, Walter - Collectors

Information about the record

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