axrush / attush
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Long outer garment, sewn together from four almost equally wide fabric panels. Two panels form the body, one panel each for the sleeves, partly folded into a triangle. folded into a triangle. In contrast to the similar Japanese garment (jap. kosode) attush garments do not have a front part (jap. okumi). The garment is sewn by hand with stitched by hand. The fabric panels are made of bark bast (attush), into which strips (shiriki) of imported strips (shiriki) of imported dark blue cotton are woven lengthways. The collar is made of of black-blue, plain-weave cotton fabric is appliquéd over the front of each panel and sewn on at the neck. sewn onto the neck. The inside of the collar is lined with pieces of old attush fabric, partly with remnants of embroidery. Along the hem, on the back and at both sleeve openings back and both sleeve openings are appliqués made from wide strips of imported plain weave cotton cotton fabric in black and blue. Additionally appliquéd on top is a of narrower bands of natural white fabric and additional bands of red fabric, both presumably cotton. red fabric, both presumably cotton.