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Photographer: Axel Killian | Rights management: Städtische Museen Freiburg
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These unfinished strips of mat, woven from naturally-coloured pandanus leaf and coconut bast dyed black, demonstrate the technique and artistry of weaving mats (jaki-ed) on the Marshall Islands most beautifully. The borders of dress mats often contained elaborate decorations from dyed bast (lōlō), which were sewn into the mats woven from leaves with use of a special needle. The outermost edge was then sewn onto the mat with a fine bast thread. Women traditionally performed the task of mat weaving and do so to this day. By making traditional patterns and techniques more widely accessible, the museum’s online collection provides an important resource for initiatives, such as the Jaki-ed Restoration and Revival Program in Majuro, which is endeavouring to revive traditional mat weaving.
Donated by Eugen Brandeis (Imperial Governor of the Marshall Islands) April 1900, collected by Antonie Brandeis (Jaluit) /Donated by Eugen Brandeis (Imperial Governor of the Marshall Islands) April 1900, collected by Antonie Brandeis (Jaluit)
Object no. 74a (object list Antonie Brandeis, 1st consignment April 1900, SAF D.Sm 35/1): "Ein angef. Streifen. Inguin. Pand. leaves and raffia". Additional comment: "The edge of the mats is woven with black-coloured raffia No. 73. The brown raffia No. 72, which is painstakingly obtained from a weed, is knitted into it with a needle. No. 74b shows the thread for sewing on the outer narrow edge. The same is twisted from tree bast. No. 74a shows a strip of raffia that has been started." (in: "Bemerkungen zu den dem Museum zu Freiburg /B. übersandten ethnologischen Gegenständen aus den Marshallinseln. South Seas". SAF D.Sm 35/1).
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.