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Snuff tray with the depiction of two felids and a mirror

Such snuff trays are very common throughout the northern and central Andean region and are made of different materials. This one has a hole so that it could be worn around the neck with a cord. As decoration it has two felids sitting opposite each other. On the tray is a cut stone, fixed with resin. It could have been used to snort ayahuasca, a hallucinogenic drug from the Amazon, or yayé, a mixture of different drugs that also produce hallucinations. In pre-Hispanic times, the use of such drugs was strictly limited to religious dignitaries who, with their help, went into a trance in order to be able to contact the gods.

Data Provider
Linden-Museum Stuttgart Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde
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Cataloguing data

Cultural attribution
Object type
Length: 20 cm
Width: 7 cm
Height: 2 cm
Colour, Wood, Stone
carved, painted, ground
Current location
Linden-Museum Stuttgart
Inventory number
M 34372 L

Provenance and sources

1st - 5th cent. a.d.
The source was given as: Near the village of Tanguche, north of Trujillo, Peru.

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