sese | Photographer: Susanna Schulz | Rights management: Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
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[Has two tenons carved into the ends of the bars as a saddle, one of which [is] without mirror-image doubling. There [are] two rectangular openings through the string support surface. The connection of the two woollen string strings, one of which is stretched along the side surface of the bar, [passes] through the rear opening. The upper edge of the rod curves slightly upwards. Two small openings in the spherical calabash resonator [are] blocked from the inside. [A] transverse wood connection of the sling [is] inside the resonator. The lower edge of the calabash collar [is] jaggedly notched throughout. At the lower edge of the resonator [is a] circumferential, as well as from here to the connection point extending, wide branding pattern strips. Predominantly rows of triangular patterns filled in with cross-hatching. Pencil annotation in the resonator: "Nika". from Ulrich Wegner: Afrikanische Saiteninstrumente, Staatliche Museen Berlin - SPK, 1984 (Appendix Object Catalogue)
Cataloguing data
Length: 62,5 cm
Diameter: 20,7 cm
Vorgang: E 1523/1903, Erwerbung: I/4/1904: III E 10736-10857, VII A 1777, Ethnogr. (Usafua, Usango, Ungika), Ankauf Kootz -- Inhalt/Enthält: Missionar Joh. Kootz, Niesky: Angebot von Ethnographica. Kündigt Besuch in Berlin an. Dankschreiben Luschans. Objektliste Briefe: 1, 1903.11.21., Joh. Kootz (1903)