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Kris with Kris sheath

Entry in the historical main catalogue: A kris with a handle carved with the greatest delicacy and wood. Set with precious stone. Blade in the shape of a tree inlaid with gold. Scabbard with gold plating. Historical file card entry: "Kris with scabbard", gemstones and gold Gold plating (fine gold), forged separately, laid on ...(?) iron (gold has a lower melting point than iron, after plating the gold bonds with the iron). Diamonds (rough diamonds), old cut, approx. 10- 14 carats. Silver sheath with fire gilding.

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Data Provider
Ethnologisches Museum
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Cataloguing data

Object type
Kris with Kris sheath
Objektmaß: Scheide 46 x 16,4 x 4,8 cm (b)
Objektmaß: Kris in Krisscheide 47 x 16,5 x 5,6 cm (a,b)
Objektmaß: Kris 42,2 x 8 x 5 cm (a)
Steel, Iron, Gold, Wood , Nickel, Brass
Current location
Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Inventory number
I C 34020 a,b

Provenance and sources

before 1905
Indonesia [Land/Region]
Java [Insel]

Theodor Glücksmann - Former Possessors
Ernst Prillwitz - Collectors

Donation from Theodor Glücksmann, 1905

Information about the record

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