Photographer: Andrea Blumtritt | Rights management: Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalSmall wall sherd. The fragment has been smoothed, slurried and primed on both sides. Its exterior is painted and polished. The primer and paint are barely eroded. Objects 48860a and b probably belong to different ceramics. The fragment has a white-yellowish ground colour, which was painted black-brown on the outside of the object. The body shows an ornamental band consisting of diagonal bundles of lines and small circles with a dot in the centre. The decoration appears to allude to textile or wickerwork. Cultural significance: the fragment probably belongs to the Mora Policromo, variedad Guabal (1200-800d.C.) or Birmania Policromo (1350-1000d.C.) groups. (Künne 2004)
Cataloguing data
Depth: 0,8 cm
Width: 4,6 cm
Provenance and sources
IV Ca 48860 b, Tonscherbe, Policromo Medio (800 - 1350), Walter Lehmann (16.9.1878 - 2.7.1939)