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Jewellery made from strips of dyed bast was worn in Micronesia for dance festivities by men and women.

Data Provider
Städtische Museen Freiburg
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Cataloguing data

Object type
Width: 40.0 mm
Length: 530.0 mm
Current location
Museum Natur und Mensch
Inventory number

Provenance and sources

Marshall Islands (location/origin)
Micronesia (location/origin)
Oceania (location/origin)
Nauru (location/origin)
Provenienzlücke - Collectors
The provenance of this object is unclear. An old inventory number is missing. Entered in the new inventory book as "Breast jewellery /black dyed raffia /Marshall Islands", with a question mark next to "Type of acquisition". A handwritten reference to an object with the old inventory number 407 was added, with a question mark - however, this object is a metal breast ornament from East Africa. In comparison with similar objects, an attribution to Nauru is plausible. An attribution to the Brandeis couple's collection was made in the course of digitising the Oceania collection in 2018, but is based on an assessment. The exact origin and context of acquisition must therefore remain open.

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