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Combat shield

The decoration of the shield shows, among other things, symmetrically arranged colour areas, which together can be interpreted as two highly stylised faces. The multi-coloured rattan braid is limited on the front side to the middle and the upper and lower ends of the shield. In contrast, the entire back is covered with a patterned wickerwork of rattan, leaving only the handle free. Text: Ulrich Menter

Data Provider
Linden-Museum Stuttgart Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde
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Cataloguing data

Cultural attribution
Object type
Length: 157 cm
Width: 26 cm
Depth: 11 cm
Wood, Rotang, Pigment
carved, painted, braided
Current location
Linden-Museum Stuttgart
Inventory number

Provenance and sources

Beginning 20th cent.
Papua New Guinea
The shield entered the collections of the Linden Museum as part of a donation by Dr. Peter Besenbruch in 1913. Besenbruch served as a naval surgeon on the survey ship SMS Planet in 1911/12, which was deployed in the Bismarck Archipelago, among other places. Text: Ulrich Menter

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