Photographer: Andrea Blumtritt | Rights management: Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalSmall cylindrical vessel with a flat base and three knob-shaped feet. The object has been smoothed, sanded, primed and highly polished on both sides. Its exterior is painted. The primer and paint are partially eroded. The outside of the ceramic has a red-brown base colour, which is painted black and red. The outside of the wall is decorated with a circumferential frieze consisting of four pictorial fields. The opposing sectors show the same motifs. The central motif consists of two interlocking rectangles that form a St Andrew's cross. The glyph-like sign symbolises the golden or precious character of the decorated objects in the central Mexican highlands (Pasztory 1983: 45). The inside of the object was painted red. Cultural significance: the Galo and Carillo Policromo groups (800-500d.C.) represent the first truly polychrome ceramics produced in the Gran Nicoya region. Their design (shape, colouring, individual motifs) is strongly reminiscent of the Ulua Policromo group (950-550d.C.). (Künne 2004)
Cataloguing data
Height: 6,2 cm
Depth: 5,7 cm
Width: 5,7 cm
Diameter: 4,4 cm