Photographer: Susanna Schulz | Rights management: Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalA flat, elongated shell with a broad, almost flat base; shell and opening outline rounded on the narrow sides (type A). A relatively small shell opening in relation to the broadly projecting, very shallowly sloping narrow rims. [Longitudinal walls slightly curved over the inside of the shell. Each has eight deep, V-shaped incisions, the row of which continues with smaller notches on both sides of the long sides. The string cord [is] only preserved in fragments. One end of the string is looped into a knot under a deep outer slit. The bridge is a piece of branch bent almost into a circle and pushed under the string tension. The tips of the branches - inserted through two perforations in the edge of the bowl - are brought together on the base of the bowl. On one narrow side [are] two iron pins driven in horizontally and hung with perforated metal plates. Two additional, unoccupied holes. A thick cord of twisted plant material runs around the shell below the string level (probably originally used to connect the resonator). "Two holes are drilled into the edge of the gourd cut. The string attached to the musical instrument is pulled through these holes so that the open side of the gourd lies close to the bottom of the instrument." "Kiranda, Tanganyika." from Ulrich Wegner: Afrikanische Saiteninstrumente, Staatliche Museen Berlin - SPK, 1984 (Appendix object catalogue)
Cataloguing data
Width: 16,5 cm
Height: 3,8 cm