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Model of the cross temple of the ruined city of Palenque (Chiapas) Scale: 1:24

In the 1915 inventory of the Museum für Völkerkunde, the collection is described as "Photographs of the Exchange Series of Models" The model's frame is made of wood and the decorations are made of plaster. The pyramid has a base area of 10.2 m2 (11 ft 2) and a total height of 1.82 m (6 ft). Construction cost: US$ 500. The model had not yet been completed when the photographer took the picture. The original structure has a base area of 250 feet (76.2 metres) by 270 feet (82.30 metres) and a height of 127 feet (38.70 metres). The pyramid was never fully excavated and the surface details shown in the model are to some extent theoretical. The temple is well preserved except for the central part of the façade, which has collapsed. In the model, it was restored following the example of the better preserved buildings of the same type. The model was built under the direction of W.H. Holmes.

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Ethnologisches Museum
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Cataloguing data

Cultural attribution
Object type
positives (photographs)
Kartonformat (Foto): 16,5 x 24,5 cm
Bildformat (Foto): 15 x 23,3 cm
Current location
Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Inventory number
VIII E 3198

Provenance and sources

before 1914
Mexico [Land]

US National Museum, Washington - Former Possessors
Fotograf unbekannt - Collectors

Information about the record

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