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Clay figure

Seated clay figure with bowl and grater Catalogue: The face is clearly shaped (prominent nose, notched eyes and mouth) and is set off from the broad neck by a round-oval chin. The breasts are small and pointed. Arms and shoulder line almost form an oval. The unmarked hands rest on a piece of black dough or clay lying in a shallow bowl. The latter rests between the legs, which are stretched out forwards and taper towards the small feet. The light-coloured loincloth comes from a corn leaf. The body is painted with a cross ornament around the navel, painted armbands and striped and zigzag patterns on the thighs. The neck and head of this statuette also appear lighter in colour than the rest of the body. Index card : Seated female clay figure, holding bowl with row

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Ethnologisches Museum
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Cataloguing data

Cultural attribution
Karajá (Iny Karaja)
Object type
Clay figure
Height: 21 cm
Depth: 10 cm
Width: 8,5 cm
Sound, Leaf (maize)
Current location
Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Inventory number
V B 14726

Provenance and sources

Brazil [Land]
Rio Araguaia [Fluss]
Karajá (Iny Karaja)
Stolper Galleries (Robert L. Stolper) - Former Possessors
Harald Schultz - Collectors

Information about the record

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