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This sword with its scabbard is a ceremonial weapon from the kingdom of Bamum. At the beginning of the 20th century, Bamum was the largest and most powerful principality in the grasslands of Cameroon. Such ceremonial weapons served as a sign of the owner's wealth and position and were not made for fighting. In 1908, King Njoya of Bamum (reigned approx. 1887 - 1933) presented the sword and scabbard to the German colonial governor Theodor Seitz (*1863 - †1949) as a birthday present for Emperor Wilhem II.

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Ethnologisches Museum
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Cataloguing data

Cultural attribution
Bamun (Bamum, Mamum, Bamoun, Mamoun, Mamoum)
Object type
Gewicht: 1,94 kg
Höhe x Breite x Tiefe: ca. 64 x 45 x 11 cm (Gürtel kreisrund ausgelegt und Scheide in der Mitte)
Wood, Plant fibre , Glass, Textile, Cotton
Current location
Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Inventory number
III C 33342 b
Related object(s)
Activity : Vorgang: E 1114/1908, Staatssekretär des Reichs-Kolonialamt [A.IV.713/33834, vom 20.5.1908] ersucht um Abholung eines Thrones und anderer ethn. Gegenst. d. Häuptl. Joja - 4seitiger Bericht gez. v. Luschan vom 10.6.1908 nebst Photografien betr. Thron., 1908 (20.5./10.6.1908), Reichs-Kolonialamt (17.5.1907 - 20.2.1919)
Vorgang: E 1114/1908, Staatssekretär des Reichs-Kolonialamt [A.IV.713/33834, vom 20.5.1908] ersucht um Abholung eines Thrones und anderer ethn. Gegenst. d. Häuptl. Joja - 4seitiger Bericht gez. v. Luschan vom 10.6.1908 nebst Photografien betr. Thron., 1908 (20.5./10.6.1908), Reichs-Kolonialamt (17.5.1907 - 20.2.1919)

Provenance and sources

Cameroon [Land]
Grassland [Region]
Bamun (Bamum, Mamum, Bamoun, Mamoun, Mamoum)


Donated by Wilhelm II in 1927

Information about the record

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