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Photographer: Susanna Schulz | Rights management: Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
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Two strings made of twisted bast fibre. One string [is] stretched along one side of the bar. The resonator and calabash collar [are] connected by a thick string of twisted plant material. Inside the spherical calabash [a] cross-wood connection of the loop. At one end, the string carrier rises slightly, tapering at the same time. Fracture suturing in the resonator with [a] vegetable string. In the vertical plane [are] numerous pointed and circular expansions of the bar surface on both sides or one side. On both sides [are] notched patterns (geometric motifs/animal motifs), more elaborately executed on the string-covered surface. There a round and rectangular wooden recess integrated into the notched pattern. from Ulrich Wegner: Afrikanische Saiteninstrumente, Staatliche Museen Berlin - SPK, 1984 (Appendix Object Catalogue)
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.