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Wall panelling

The gabled fronts of the Abelam people's men's houses near the Sepik River in New Guinea are made from a variety of these palm leaf paintings. They are usually present only as individual elements in Western museums, so that the full impact of the overall artwork is weakened. Displayed here is one of the beings from the hereafter that symbolises the inner world of the men's house as a place of the otherworldly and the spiritual.

Data Provider
Städtische Museen Freiburg
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Cataloguing data

Cultural attribution
Object type
Breite: 440.0 mm, Höhe: 1300.0 mm
Palm leaf
Current location
Museum Natur und Mensch
Inventory number

Provenance and sources

August 1927

Papua New Guinea (location/origin)
Melanesia (location/origin)
Oceania (location/origin)
Maprik (location/origin)
Speyer, Arthur - Collectors

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