Photographer: Svenja Strauss | Rights management: Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalA reptile skin membrane pegged over the opening of the pot-like wooden body. A straight round wooden stick with a long front peg serves as a string carrier. The thick string twisted from plant fibres is looped around an iron nail stuck in the cross-section of the end of the spike. There is also a loose string wrapped around the rod. Two notches cut into the back of the neck underneath the peg (probably for moving a tuning loop). The side of the bowl wall has a large, almost rectangular opening, while the base of the bowl has a round opening in the centre with a raised rim and two additional perforations. A remnant of cord there. A decorative nail on some parts of the outside of the body. from Ulrich Wegner: Afrikanische Saiteninstrumente, Staatliche Museen Berlin - SPK, 1984 (appendix to the object catalogue)
Cataloguing data
Width: 15,5 cm
Height: 18,1 cm
Vorgang: E 981/1894, Erwerbung: I/24/1895: III E 3833-3895, 4021, III C 5973, III A 1216-18, VII A 248-253, Ethnogr. (Ost- und Centralafrika), Freiherr v. Bülow -- Inhalt/Enthält: Angebot von Ethnographica ihres am Kilimandjaro gefallenen Bruders, besonders Waffen.- Kaufverhandlungen.- Preisvorstellungen.- Objektlisten.- Notiz Luschans (1895.01.05.), daß er noch zusätzliche Objekte ausgewählt habe.- Preisgebot des MV. Hinweis Luschans auf Möglichkeit des Weiterverkaufs von Objekten an andere Museen (1895.01.21.). Briefe: 3, 1894.12.28.- 1895.01.16.- 1895.01.20., Freiherr Albrecht von Bülow (1864 - 10.7.1892)