Photographer: Andrea Blumtritt | Rights management: Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalThree-legged, round-bottomed bowl with a deep-standing rim. There are three zoomorphic head protomes at the base. The three hollow, conical legs have two narrow, vertical openings and rattle beads. The object has been smoothed, sanded, primed, painted and polished on both sides. One leg has a glued break. The ceramic has a red-orange base colour, which was painted white-yellow. On the outside of the bowl wall are three rectangular pictorial fields showing triangles, wavy lines and trapezoids. The shape of the legs is reminiscent of bird beaks. They are decorated with a broad line that almost completely encloses a triangular surface. On the inside of the vessel wall, there is a frieze around the lower edge consisting of vertical and horizontal linear elements. It is bordered by an upright, circumferential band. According to Lothrop 1926: yellow line ware. Cultural significance: only a few polychrome ceramics appear in the ceramic system of the Central Highlands of Costa Rica. Their position is largely replaced by groups with monochrome or bicolour decorations. (Künne 2004)
Cataloguing data
Diameter: 13,8 cm
: cm