Photographer: | Rights management: Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalEntry in the main historical catalogue: Spear of the Naga Entry in historical catalogue: Material: shaft: wood; points: Iron; Wrapping: Goat hair Characteristics: Flat point attached to the shaft. Then a two-part wrapping: short hairs attached to the shaft with string to create a velvet-like covering. After a 9 cm gap, the second part. Both have a black ring. At the end of the second part, a tuft of long hair. A round end tip is attached. Colours: shaft: light brown; goat hair: red-black. Dimensions: Total length: 258 cm (shaft: 191 cm; tip: 54 cm; end tip: 13 cm; wrapping: 65 - 60 cm)