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Photographer: Axel Killian | Rights management: Städtische Museen Freiburg
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Antonie and Eugen Brandeis’s collection contains numerous model boats, a fact that bears witness to the important cultural-historical traditions of Pacific boat building. This model of a Samoan war canoe (alia) is also a prime example. Alia were up to thirty-five meter-long catamarans, equipped with sails, intended for long trips at sea and for battle. Only kings and chieftains commanded the necessary means to order such elaborate ships to be built.
Donated by Eugen Brandeis (Imperial Governor of the Marshall Islands) April 1900, collected by Antonie Brandeis (Jaluit) /Donated by Eugen Brandeis (Imperial Governor of the Marshall Islands) April 1900, collected by Antonie Brandeis (Jaluit)
Object no. 1 (Object list Antonie Brandeis, 1st consignment April 1900, SAF D.Sm 35/1): "Samoan war canoe. About 1/20 of the natural size. Wood of the breadfruit tree, sail: pandanus mat". Supplementary comment by Antonie Brandeis: "The model of a Samoan war canoe was made by King Mataafa of Samoa [note "by King Mataafa of Samoa" is underlined, unclear by whom] during his exile in Jaluit and was returned to him on his departure from Jaluit [note "Jaluit" is underlined]. "Jaluit" is underlined] in Sept. 98 to my husband [note "my husband" is underlined] as a gift" ("Bemerkungen zu den dem Museum zu Freiburg /B. übersandten ethnologischen Gegenständen aus den Marshallinseln. South Seas". SAF D.Sm 35/1).
This is the only object in the Brandeis collection for which a specific maker and previous owner are named. There are, however, differing versions of the provenance:
a. made by Mata'afa himself and given to Eugen Brandeis (letter from Eugen Brandeis, 6 April 1899, SAF C3 241/1; Antonie Brandeis "Bemerkungen zu den dem Museum zu Freiburg /B. übersandten ethnologischen Gegenständen aus den Marshallinseln, Südsee", 14.12.1899, SAF D.Sm. 35/1).
b. made by people from Mata'afa's group and given to Antonie Brandeis (letter from Antonie Brandeis to unknown, 10 Sept. 1898, MNM)
c. made by Mata'afa (letter from Antonie Brandeis to unknown, 1 Dec. 1899, MNM)
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The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.
The name of this item is missing in its original language. If you know the name or have any comments, please use the form to get in touch with the institution that provided the data.