Front page | Photographer: Martin Franken | Rights management: Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalNose feather jewellery ("tsunozozo"), consisting of two parts; worn exclusively by men on festive occasions together with feather headdress V B 18851. The individual feather sticks each consist of two large macaw feathers (one red and one blue-yellow), which are attached to small bamboo tubes and decorated with small multi-coloured feathers on both the bamboo tube and the tip of the feather. The two feather sticks can be inserted into each other through the nasal septum by means of a palm wood stick attached to a bamboo cane. (Quote card) Index card : Two-part nose feather jewellery
Cataloguing data
Width: 12,5 cm
Depth: 1,8 cm