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Only the string carrier and fragments of the two plant fibre strings have survived. One end of the stick is bent upwards, the other ends with a semi-oval moulded segment. The rod surface in front of and below the handle points [is] jaggedly widened. The centre line of the rod [is] thus offset. Both sides of the staff [are] richly carved with notched patterns in coarse and fine relief. Predominantly juxtaposed triangular shapes. from Ulrich Wegner: Afrikanische Saiteninstrumente, Staatliche Museen Berlin - SPK, 1984 (appendix to object catalogue)

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Ethnologisches Museum
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Cataloguing data

Object type
musical instruments
Length: 55,4 cm
Width: 1,1 cm
Height: 7,2 cm
Current location
Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Inventory number
III E 19560

Provenance and sources

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