Photographer: Peter Jacob | Rights management: Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalShape: Architectural model, two-tiered pyramid with rectangular base and house-like structure, handle on the back (broken off), in the house-like structure an anthropomorphic figure Colour/technique: orange body, painted white and dark red VS: Wall of the lower pyramid level with polymorphic geometric painting (red and white), wall of the second pyramid level with surrounding frieze with chequerboard pattern (orange-coloured body and dark red), surrounding frieze with polymorphic geometric painting (red and white) on the walls of the house-like structure Special: anthropomorphic figure with coffee bean-shaped eyes (Beatrix Hoffmann, 2008)
Cataloguing data
Depth: 8,8 cm
Width: 8,4 cm