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This artefact demonstrates the considerable cultural significance of seafaring in the history of the Marshall Islands. It is an ornamental fixture that is fastened to either the bow or the stern of a prestigious boat, such as one belonging to a chief. The decorative piece has been carved from light wood, dyed black and adorned with the feathers of a frigatebird.

Data Provider
Städtische Museen Freiburg
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Cataloguing data

Object type
Ornament for a Boat
Breite: 370.0 mm, Höhe: 400.0 mm
Bird feather
Current location
Museum Natur und Mensch
Inventory number
Related object(s)
is related to : II/1273

Provenance and sources

before 1900

Brandeis, Eugen - Former Possessors

Marshall Islands (location/origin)
Micronesia (location/origin)
Oceania (location/origin)
Brandeis, Antonie - Collectors

Donated by Eugen Brandeis (Imperial Governor of the Marshall Islands) November 1901, collected by Antonie Brandeis (Jaluit) /Donated by Eugen Brandeis (Imperial Governor of the Marshall Islands) November 1901, collected by Antonie Brandeis (Jaluit) Object no. 63 (Object list Antonie Brandeis, 2nd consignment Nov 1901, SAF C3/241/2): "Spitzen f. Kanoe. Soft wood. See model no. 51." In her written commentary on the canoe model 11.105.1. at the Museum am Rothenbaum in Hamburg (MARKK), the collector described two similar boat tips (11.105.1x, 11.105.1y): "The feathers of the frigate bird were used as decoration in tufts and characteristic black pieces of wood were attached to the tips." (Source: Document archive MARKK 101-1 No. 1191)

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